Before you get started there are a few things that you will need to know about this site.

1.  Selected poems have music associated with them. To hear the music click on the
"New Music" link in the upper left corner of the poem page.

 2.  Each title in the poem selection list that has a blinking (guiding) light beside it has a
 special music selection associated with it.

3.  Once a music selection is made that piece of music will continue to play until you stop
 it or choose another selection.

 4.  Because of the different browsers and plug-ins being used the music controls will not
 be the same for everyone. Below this line is the music control for this page.

5.  Some will see the full control bar, others will see an icon and still others will see nothing.
 I you only see an icon, right click the icon to view and select your control option
 (ie: start, play, stop, rewind, forward)

6. And last but not least  ALL of the poems are originals written by  The Master  Jeffery Jessie

Here you will find a collection of poems that deals with matters of
love, family, friendship, deception, devotion and hardship.
welcome to