
your web pages are good, I had no problem with the code or reading your information, but I would have to say everyone in the group needs to spice up their pages. Add pictures, movie or wave files to you web site. I know you added some pictures but get the reader/web viewer more in to your web page.

Your use of pictures are interesting and catches the eye. Your text is neat and orderly and inspiring to read. I give the sight an "A" in my book based on the continuity of it's flow. I just had to say before I write it that I am blown away with the beauty of this site. You gave a biography and a half and I only wish I can remember half the life you have here. If I were only 20 years younger I'd be mackin' ya, girl (Old "G" talk), LOL! You are all that and a bag of pork rinds! AND I LOOOOVE PORK RINDS!
God Bless!

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